Hometime fees:
Hometimes fees structure is listed below for the various activities we undertake. For further details or if you would like to discuss any element of them further, please do not hesitate to contact us at: info@hometime.uk.com
Lettings and management services:
Under the Terms and Conditions, you will be liable to pay Hometimes’ commission fees in respect of the initial period of the tenancy AND ALSO in respect of periods after the end of that initial period where the original tenant introduced by Hometime remains in occupation, whether under a new agreement or by the initial agreement being extended or the tenant being allowed to hold-over (all of these being “Renewals”). Where there is more than one tenant, Renewal Commission will be payable in full where any or all of them remain in occupation. All commissions and fees will be charged monthly in advance.
Scale of Fees for Long Term Lettings (initial term of six months or longer):
Lettings and management service: 12.5%
Lettings only service: 8%
Fees for renewals:
Lettings and management service: 10%
Relet only service: 6%
Please note we do not currently charge any fees for production of AST contracts or for reference checks to either Tenants or Landlords.
Bespoke management service fees:
Bespoke management service fees are charged on a monthly retainer and are calculated and agreed on an individual basis. Determining factors include size of property, location, frequency of visits and scope of service to be provided to the owner. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details and to discuss your requirements in more depth.
Refurbishment fees:
Refurbishment fees are based on 10% of the total cost of the works.
Property Search Fees:
Search and acquisition fees are again charged and calculated on an individual basis, however we do use a ‘fixed fee’ charge as opposed to a percentage of the agreed purchase price. These are liable for payment upon exchange of contracts.
Hometime is not currently VAT registered therefore VAT is not currently charged on any of our fees. However, VAT will be charged at the current rate at any such time that the company becomes VAT registered.